May I Please Pet Your Critter..?
Your dog is not your protector. You protect each other.
Our dogs live with us in a human dominated society meaning, we have more opportunities to protect them than they have to protect us. So how do we do that?
Be your dogs gate keeper.
Do not grant just anyone access to your dog. Humans don’t always feel like being social and they definitely don’t grant strangers access to their body every time they walk outside. Shouldn’t our dogs experience the same levels of safety and comfort..?
It’s ok to say no. You are not being mean or impolite you are advocating for your dog and that should always come before potentially offending a stranger or even a loved one. Pets are not property, objects or products. They are individual souls with their own personalities and the capacity to think and feel. The more you advocate for your pet the more trust you build, the less anxiety your dog will have once it understands that it does not have to be on guard 24/7 because you will be there to protect him or her.
This does not just apply to strangers on the street when family comes over for the holidays make sure your pets have a safe and quiet place to go. To get away from the noise and the hands of small children (if they choose.) As your dogs guide and guardian it is your job to protect them and that means keeping them safe from overstimulating situations where they will have to defend or protect themselves without help or guidance from you. Set them up for success! Use what you know about your best friend to make sure they are safe, confident and able to make good choices.